
Mostly used expression

Here are some very useful and simple expressions.

Sumimasen (すみません-one can use this in several situations.

(1) Excuse me!

(2) Thank you.

(3) I'm sorry.

(4) Pardon me.

If you have ever had the chance to hear Japanese being spoken, you might notice that they often use "sumimasen(すみません)". Also, if you have ever hear a Japanese person speaking English, you might notice they sometimes mix up "excuse me" and "I'm sorry" because the Japanese use the same word for both expressions.

Douzo and Doumo

When one offers something "douzo(どうぞ)" can be used. A simple reply is "doumo(どうも)". "Doumo arigatou gozaimasu(どうもありがとうございます)" is a very polite way of saying, "Thank you very much". A more casual response is either "arigatou(ありがとう)" or "doumo(どうも)".