Japanese verbs are roughly divided into three groups according to their dictionary form (basic form). The basic form of 'Group 1' verbs end with "~ u". The basic form of 'Group 2' verbs end with either "~iru" or "~ eru". 'Group 3' verbs are irregular verbs. There are only two irregular verbs, kuru (to come) and suru (to do).

Here are some common verbs from each group.

Group 1

aruku (歩く) --- to walk 
asobu (遊ぶ) --- to play 
au (会う) --- to meet 
hairu (入る) --- to enter 
hajimaru (始まる) --- to begin 
iku (行く) --- to go 
kaeru (帰る) --- to return 
kakaru (かかる) --- to take
kaku (書く) --- to write
kau (買う) --- to buy 
kiku (聞く) --- to listen 
matsu (待つ) --- to wait 
motsu (持つ) --- to have
narau (習う) --- to learn
nomu (飲む) --- to drink
okuru (送る) --- to send
omou (思う) --- to think
oyogu (泳ぐ) --- to swim
shiru (知る) --- to know 
suwaru (座る) --- to sit 
tatsu (立つ) --- to stand 
tomaru (止まる) --- to stop 
tsuku (着く) --- to arrive 
uru (売る) --- to sell
utau (歌う) --- to sing
wakarui (分かる) --- to understand
warau (笑う) --- to laugh 
yomu (読む) --- to read 

Group 2

kangaeru (考える) --- to think
miru (見る) --- to see; to look
neru (寝る) --- to sleep
oshieru (教える) --- to teach
taberu (食べる) --- to eat

Group 3

kuru (来る) --- to come 
suru (する) --- to do