When Describing an Action
Some Japanese verbs are more specific when describing actions than English verbs. While there is only one verb used for a certain action in English, there might be several different verbs in Japanese. One of the examples is the verb "to wear." In English, it can used as, "I wear a hat," "I wear gloves," "I wear glasses" and so on. However, Japanese has different verbs depending on which part of the body it will be worn on. Let's take a look how the Japanese describe "to wear."
Boushi o kaburu. 帽子をかぶる。 ("Kaburu" is used for putting on the head.) | I wear a hat. |
Megane o kakeru. めがねをかける。 ("Kakeru" also means, "to hang.") | I wear glasses. |
Iyaringu o tsukeru. イヤリングをつける。 ("Tsukeru" also means, "to attach.") | I wear earrings. |
Nekutai o shimeru. ネクタイを締める。 ("Shimeru" also means, "to tie.") | I wear a tie. |
Sukaafu o maku. スカーフを巻く。 (Maku" also means, "to wrap around.") | I wear scarf. |
Tebukuro o hameru. 手袋をはめる。 ("Hameru" also means, "to insert.") | I wear gloves. |
Yubiwa o hameru. 指輪をはめる。 | I wear rings. |
Tokei o suru. 時計をする。 | I wear a watch. |
Shatsu o kiru. シャツを着る。 ("Kiru" is used for putting on the body.) | I wear shirts. |
Zubon o haku. ズボンをはく。 ("Haku" is used for putting on the legs.) | I wear pants. |
Kutsu o haku. 靴を履く。 ("Haku" is also used for putting on footwear.) | I wear shoes. |
Another example is the verb "to play."
Omocha de asobu. おもちゃで遊ぶ。 ("Asobu" originally means, "to amuse oneself.") | I play with toys. |
Piano o hiku. ピアノを弾く。 ("Hiku" is used to play the musical instrument that requires the manipulation of fingers .) | I play the piano. |
Fue o fuku. 笛を吹く。 ("Fuku" is used to play the musical instrument that requires blowing.) | I play the flute. |
Taiko o tataku. 太鼓をたたく。 ("Tataku" is used to play the musical instrument that requires beating.) | I play the drum. |
Rekoodo o kakeru. レコードをかける。 | I am playing a record. |
Toranpu o suru. トランプをする。 | I play cards. |
Yakyuu o suru. 野球をする。 ("Suru" can be used for most sports.) | I play baseball. |
Romio o enjiru. ロミオを演じる。 | I play the role of Romeo. |